Defense Base Act (DBA) Benefits

Defense Base Act (DBA) Be…

The Defense Base Act covers workers employed by contractors of the United States Military. The benefits afforded to these individuals are the same as the LHWCA, which include compensation benefits, medical benefits, and vocational rehabilitation services to employees disabled from on the job injuries. Benefits are also available for work related death.

Are You Covered by the DBA?

The Act includes the following employed individuals:

  • Private employees on U.S. military bases or any lands used by the military outside the United States.
  • Employees under service contracts with any U.S. government agency in connection with national defense.
  • Employees under service contracts funded under the Foreign Assistance Act.
  • Employees of American employers providing welfare for the benefit of the Armed Services outside the United States.

Free Consultation with Our Defense Base Act Attorneys

Contact Farrington & Thomas, LLC for a free consultation about your DBA claim. We have over 30 years of experience and are committed to serving every client with honesty and integrity.